Hey there, Thomas here. It is sleeting/snowing today, but that’s not the news. We need to talk about pregnancy brain. I’ve done a quick google search and it appears to be real.

Let me explain, I was released from work early today due to the incoming storm. As soon as I got home it started to sleet, so I decided to let the dogs out real quick. Thats when I experienced pregnancy brain. Bread. Yes, bread. I’m sure you are wondering what bread has to do with pregnancy brain….

Typically you would find bread inside the house, right? Not today my friends. When I let the dogs outside I saw bread. Bread. Bread that was on the patio table, in the mounting sleet, without any packaging. Unprotected bread.

Here are the facts so far:

- The loaf of bread was on the counter several days ago

- I did not put the bread outside

- The dogs have not eaten the loaf of bread

- I photographed the loaf of bread

Now I would never accuse Amy of walking past the trash can, opening two doors to go out to the back porch, and almost perfectly centering a loaf of bread on the patio table.

But that is where we are currently at in life, folks. A frozen loaf of bread in the sleet. It’s almost art.

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Thomas Perez